Investigate why giscus comments are not appearing. Resolved by replacing giscus with utterances.
Add support for Google Analytics. Unnecessary until there is more traffic.
Changed theme from ‘dirt’ to ‘air’
Updated link to R-bloggers
Moved additional pages (About, History) into _pages subdirectory. These are indirectly linked via the masthead (navigation.yml) entries. For example, the entry: url: /about/ references a file located in the _pages directory.
copied _sass into root directory; updated the font sizes.
Updated bio.
Removed giscus support. Currently the comments.html file does not appear to output the comments section in posts. Tested this by adding a copy of the single.html page in the local _layouts directory and manually injecting the comments script - this works.
Added support for utterances. Install the app, update the _config.yml file and it works ‘out of the box’. No reactions though.